
Susan is weird now but good weird it feels like we’re in auburn kinda or somethin and she was even singing yestdayklfkejlfiew

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Susan says wordpress is full of itself but I do not understand how something can be full of something that is it. I would like to know how to do that because I am so beautiful it would be like double beautifulness if I could be two Lucys in one body. I do not know what wordpress is anyway but it has something to do with a blogroll which Sammers said sounds like food and it is true it does. Once in a while something he says makes sense to me. I am not sure if that is good.

Yours truly,

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Susan says our blogroll isnt working. Dude I want to know what that is it sounds like food. I dont care if its working if its not working then she should let me eat it! thats how to take care of blogrolls i think.

by SAM

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I think susan is hunting now for sure

dude susan smells really good! She said she is catsitting but she must be hunting. Im glad she doesnt sit on us at least. that is wack!

by SAM

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Forein Cat Smells

Susan is taking care of Sherriandjay’s cats now and so she always smells interesting when she comes home but a little frigtening too because there are four cats there so that is a lot of smells. None of them smells as beautiful as me and she says they are not in as good of shape as Sammers and I am. I smelled canned food on her hand last night so I think if we got canned food I would not mind being in not as good of shape as long as I was still as beautiful as now. I probably would still be just as beautiful because susan says its feline relativity theery or something, she says a cat that is beautiful tends to stay beautiful. Then she laughed even though it was not really funny even thoug I hope she is right. I wish she had stopped there but then she said it is just like a cat that is a flibbertygibbetmousetoyfetcher tends to stay a flibbertygibbetmousetoyfetcher and she laughed a lot that time. It was not as nice as the first idea and I do not know what the flibbertygibbet part meant but I am a very good mouse fetcher. I do not know whether I am better at being beautiful or being a mouse fetcher. I will think about it.

Yours truly,

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poop = box, sit = couch

Dude lucy pooped on the couch. that is wack. Poop goes in the box not on the couch anybody knows that. i think you know by now shes weird thoug. she only did it once so far last week but a couple daysago she tried to do it again so susan carried her in the bathroom. but Lucy went back on the couch so Susan pushed her off. chillax man it was not a hard push. so lucy went and pooped in the box. Lucys clueless she thinks susan is being all nice but i can tell she is freking out. Seriusly dude shes bearly holding on she covered the hole couch with a bunch of pilows and stuff she changes the litter all friking time shes watching lucy like a hawk. It craks me up. Every time Lucy moves or something susan asks if shes ok and is she gonna poop and pleas go in the box. she asked her why she went on the couch but all it is is Lucy is not as smart as peopel think. she says she doesnt even know why she pooped on the couch! my case can go to bed!

Poop goes in the box man!

i dont really give a crap hehheh but it feels uptite with them so I just stay away from them except for food.

by SAM

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I want to go defficate on the couch

I want to defficate (which means numbertwo) on the couch. I do not know why I like the couch now. Susan is being very patient with me except sometimes I can tell she is nervous when I get up from a nap or something and she watches me very closely. She does this a lot anyway, everyone does, because I am so beautiful, but now she keeps asking me what is wrong. I do not know what is wrong or if anything is wrong I would  just really really rather gonumbertwo on the couch not in the box. There are lots of cushons on the couch now so it is hard to dig in the corners like I like so I have been using the box anyway the last week or so.

But I really preferr to use the couch. I will be patient.

I am still very beautiful.

Yours truly,

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JOB Hunting

Sammers thinks Susan is going hunting but he will not believe me that it is not the fun kind of hunting. Susan is going to hunt for a new JOB but I do not know why. I think she has a JOB already. I do not know what the JOB does but I know it gives her money and she can buy us food even though she buys us diet food which is not deliscous. Anyway I know you cannot eat a JOB but she is going to hunt for a new one anyway. I am trying to be extra beautiful because she is pretty upset sometimes. She watches TV a lot but I do not mind because she is home more and I can rub on her and she says I am beautiful all the time.

Yours truly,

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susan keeps talking about hunting. I wanna go hunting BAD. I tried to tell her. I pulled on her chin but she just said ouchohmygoshyousoneedclippiesdontyou and then she undid my claws which suks but we get treats after so that rocks. 

She doesnt look like shes going hunting.

by SAM

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susan brougt pots home last night dude that is fun. They always make noises by themself all nite. Susan calls it potpings wahtever that is but thats wack it is little birds inside them but I cant find them. I think there dead now because there isnt noise now.

by SAM

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